Amplify Your Brand, Empower Communities

swiirl connects brands with emerging creators, transforming authentic user-generated content into market-ready brand assets.

Our platform drives brand impact, while funding education and empowering our next generation.

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Amplify Your Brand, Empower Communities

swiirl, a platform where brands engage with local communities: driving social impact while amplifying brand values.

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Imagine a world...
where a brand's success directly fuels the dreams and aspirations of emerging creators. At swiirl, that world exists.

Unlock Authenticity
Transform creative briefs into unique story-driven content. Tap into our network of schools and creators for content that resonates.

Elevate Engagement
Elevate your brand with authentic content that matters. Our CreativeSync AI ensures every piece is optimized, tagged, and ready to deploy.

Impact with Every Click
Fuel educational growth while engaging your audience.

What is Swiirl

Swiirl is an AI-powered platform that connects brands with emerging creators, enabling brands to commission and access unique content that resonates with their audience. All while providing opportunities to young creators in under-resourced communities and schools.
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The Opportunity

Unlocking the Potential of Local Voices to Uplift Communities.


US public schools are underfunded by 150B annually

> 50%

More than 50% of US school districts are underfunded


Drop out rates are 2x in marginalized communities
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The solution

Connecting Brands with Authentic Community-Driven Content


Community-generated content achieves a 6.9 times higher engagement rate compared to brand-generated content


Ads based on user-generated content drives 400%  higher click-through rates.


Localized content receives 12X the engagement rate of moregeneral or “non-localized content.
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The challenge

For Schools:

Digital Divide

Limiting upward mobility

Broken Food Programs

Impacting health and productivity

Minimal STEM facilities

Hindering future innovators

The opportunity

For Brands:

Access a doorway to meaningful engagement and authentic community connection.

Impact your community

Partner with Swiirl to uplift under-resourced communities; enhancing your brand's social impact footprint.

Create brand narratives

Elevate your brand storytelling with authentic creative assets infused with purpose.

Enhance customer loyalty

Use digital assets to connect more profoundly with your customers.