About Us

From Art to Impact.

swiirl: Elevating artistic voices, Crafting impactful narratives, and Fostering positive change through brand engagement

Amplify Your Brand, Empower Communities

swiirl, a platform where brands engage with local communities: driving social impact while amplifying brand values.

Get Started

Our Why

equitable access

Our "why" is rooted in the unwavering belief that every child deserves access to quality education and well-being, regardless of their socio-economic background.

expanded ecosystem

We are driven by the conviction that by connecting passionate individuals, mission based brands, and technology, we can dismantle systemic barriers and create lasting, positive change for children and communities across the globe.

empowered communities

By mobilizing the creative abilities within communities, swiirl aims to shift the narrative from dependency to agency. Our goal is not just to address immediate needs; it's about instilling confidence and a sense of self-efficacy; fostering long-term, sustainable change.


Our story

swiirl was born from a simple yet powerful realization: the world is full of hidden potential, yearning to be unleashed. We see it in the bright eyes of students brimming with creativity, and the tireless efforts of educators striving to nurture their dreams. Yet, too often, these aspirations are overshadowed by educational and social inequities, leaving talent untapped and voices unheard.

But we don’t just lament this reality; we change it.

We act as a bridge, connecting the boundless potential of these students with the desire of brands to connect authentically. We believe that when art meets impact, something extraordinary happens.

Our vision

To be the leading platform where art, social impact, and brands converge, sparking a movement of positive change, inclusive growth, and unmatched brand engagement, all while championing the untapped potential of young artists.

Our mission

To bridge the gap between creativity and opportunity by transforming heartfelt art from under-resourced communities into valuable digital assets.  Leveraging a trade-not-aid approach, we foster harmonious partnerships between brands, consumers, and the global community.

Meet the team

Our founding team brings together over 100 years of executive-level experience, across multiple industries, with fortune 100 companies as well as high-growth start-ups.
Mike Hong
Founder & Chief Technology Officer
Kay Boamah
Founder & Chief Partnerships Officer
Daniel Mohanrao
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Meg Coon
VP Strategic Initiatives
Josh Steele
Advisor: Chief Financial Officer
Yohannes Semere
Advisor: VP Revenue, Search
& Channel Management
Tiffany Felix
Advisor: Chief DEI and CSR Officer,
Exec Leadership
Suzanne Sengelmann
Advisor: Chief Marketing & Brand Officer
Charles Eklund
Advisor: Chief Product Officer